Telford and District juniors coaching night and what a night.
I can honestly say I've not seen a more dedicated class as I have tonight
Tonight's class was simple but effective basics.
For my group it was how to tie a loop by hand and with a loop tyer (sorry I only had 3 Preston loop tyers for everyone but will buy some more) and how to tie a knotless knot hair rig.
By the end of the night everyone did just that great to see them all helping each other, it was fantastic to watch so well done everyone.
Over on the other table and following on from last week's hooklengh demos the were learning how to make a pole rig and what the different pole floats were for.
Under the watchful eye of Scott Doodson and Connor Lamb they certainly mastered it and all tied a pole rig, hooklengh and correct shotting ready to use when they venture out on the bank next.
Now every now and then I'd tap one of the juniors on the shoulder to fetch me one of the fish pillows from the bag to see if they remembered the fish recognition class from last week and It was pleasing to see that they had so well done to all.
I was really pleased with Jenny A, Lauren Stevens and the one and only Beth-paige Stokes.
You all were awesome tonight and your coaching skills were excellent, the kids really looked up to you and that is brilliant.
Thanks to Ricki Stevens and Kenny Partridge for all their support to.
Well done everyone, great turnout again and the progress your making is fantastic .
Thanks to Matrix who gave Ricki Stevens a loads of terminal tackle a while back to give out to the kids, they each went home with a hand full of ready tied hooklenghs
See you next week.

If you would like for your young angler to get the best start in their fishing, please contact Telford Angling Association or Jon Portman for more details.