What a fantastic night tonight with the group split up into two.
First group was learning all about fish recognition, talking about the litter we see on the bank side and how long it takes to decompose and what effect it has on our waterways, even the adults learnt a few things .
Second group was coached by top Match Angler Scott Doodson and it was all about hooks, what types for what situations and how to tie them.
By the end of the night they could all tie them, put loops on and but them in a hook box so we do all and big thanks so Scott.
Thanks to the team for turning up and helping and to all the juniors and mums n dad's for coming.
See you all next week
Jon Portman.

If you would like for your young angler to get the best start in their fishing, please contact Telford Angling Association or Jon Portman for more details.